The primary objective of the Principal Economist position is to enable the Bank Group to play a leadership role and more effectively assist Africa’s fragile states to transit out of fragility, help prevent countries at risk of slippage and to assist post-crisis and post-conflict states move forward towards more stable political and economic development, through approaches that are grounded in the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development – Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC) Principles of Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations, and the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States.
Position title: Economist
Grade: PL-4
Position N°: NA
Reference: ADB13/106
Publication date: 10/07/2013
Closing date: 31/07/2013
The Fragile States Unit (OSFU) was established in July 2008 and is currently located within the First-Vice Presidency and Chief Operation Officer’s (FVP/COO) complex. The Unit is responsible for coordinating the Bank-wide program of enhanced engagement in fragile states. Support to fragile states is one of the core business mandates of the Bank Group as identified in its Long-Term Strategy (2013-2022). The Unit also administers the Bank Group’s Fragile States Facility (FSF), which was established in 2008 as an operationally autonomous, special purpose financing entity with three grant financing windows. The FSF provides supplemental support for eligible fragile states, resources for arrears clearance operations and targeted capacity building institutional development assistance.
The operational mandate and responsibilities of the OSFU aim at enabling the Bank to: i) more effectively and efficiently assist in the recovery and development efforts of the fragile and conflict-affected regional member states of the Bank; and ii) help regional member countries that are at risk to avoid slipping into fragility and/or conflict. Africa’s fragile and conflict-affected countries constitute a critical development challenge for the global efforts to reduce poverty and attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). They also generate negative spillover effects to neighboring countries, sub-regions and the wider international community. The Bank’s experience is that effective and sustainable development in such situations requires different approaches from those typically applied in more stable, low- or middle-income countries.
Duties and responsibilities
Under the overall guidance of the Head of the Fragile States Unit (OSFU), the incumbent will:
Analyze the economic and financial situations of regional member countries (RMCs), especially those that may be classified as “fragile states” or at the periphery of such classification, using internal and external sources of information, and determine the implications for the programming and updating of Bank Group fragile states strategy and the FSF eligibility and operations;
Examine and document the impact of Bank Group fragile states strategy and FSF operations in the countries concerned, and make recommendations on how to link the Bank’s existing M&E approach to building national capacity to monitor the impact of development interventions in line with OECD principles in assisting fragile states directly or through other instruments such as regional operations;
Analyze the role of the private sector in “fragile states”, using internal and external sources of information, and determine the implications for the programming of the Bank’s country strategies and operations with a view to harnessing the potential of the private sector to create lasting jobs and contribute to exiting fragility;
Coordinate OSFU inputs in the FSF pipeline of projects within country teams and articulate the dimensions of state fragility and how to target support to addressing its root causes through institutional development, and measure impact / progress of Bank Group interventions;
Carry out relevant Economic and Sector Work (ESW), focusing on issues of private sector development and business-enabling environment in the nation building process;
Provide guidance on effective Bank Group dialogue with governments and stakeholders on implementing reforms for improved business enabling environment, governance, economic growth and service delivery;
Coordinate with the Sector Departments, especially the Private Sector Department (OPSM), Governance and Economic Management Department (OSGE) in the identification, preparation, evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of business enabling environment and governance programs;
Coordinate OSFU participation in preparation of CSPs for assigned countries, based on the RMCs’ Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs);
Monitor implementation of the Bank’s portfolio in the assigned countries, as well as regional projects implemented by Regional Economic Communities, in collaboration with the Sector Departments and the Country Program Officer;
Maintain effective Communication with the Sector Departments and other relevant units in the Bank to ensure a coordinated approach in the implementation of the Bank’s fragile states strategy and FSF operations in assigned countries;
Participate in Country Portfolio Reviews, preparation of policy and operational documents and generally strategies for improving Bank Group assistance to fragile states, especially through developing new approaches, procedures and techniques;
Participate in aid coordination activities with bilateral and multilateral donors, with emphasis on promoting the co-financing of projects and programs;
Participate in the preparation of the Fragile State Unit’s budget, recruitment of consultants, and preparation of annual and other periodic programs and briefs on economic developments, reforms and institutional support programs;
Serve as focal point on economic issues to external constituencies and expert economic groups;
Work with partner institutions to ensure that peace-building activities that complement the Bank Group core mandates and areas of expertise are sufficiently dealt with in order to help clients comprehensively address the roots causes of fragility and avoid slippage in the peace- and state-building process;
Undertake any other assignments and tasks as requested by the Head, Fragile States Unit and/or the First Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (FVP/COO). Such assignments may involve working with Bank teams and/or staff within or outside OSFU.
Selection Criteria
Including desirable skills, knowledge and experience
At least a Master’s degree or its equivalent in economics, public policy or other related fields;
At least six (6) years of relevant professional experience in a development oriented institution;
Demonstrated understanding and familiarity with Africa’s post-conflict recovery and development challenges and effective strategies and approaches for peace- and state-building;
Professional experience in the evaluation of development interventions in an international financing institution;
Experience in policy development and implementation in relation to the dynamics and challenges of peace-building and state-building in Africa and in promoting and applying governance practices through alignment with national development strategies;
Ability to communicate and defend orally and in writing difficult issues and positions to senior Bank management, government officials, etc.;
Knowledge of ICT and competence in the use of Bank standard software applications (word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint);
Fluency in English or French, with a working knowledge of the other language.
How to Apply
Click Here to Apply
Application Deadline 31-07-2013
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